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West Anglian Orienteering Club


Archive of News and Information stored under the Juniors category.

WAOC class winners in the East Anglian League 2024

The 2024 East Anglian League came to a close with SMOC’s event at Stowe Park on 19th January, and the final league standings have been published on the EAOA website. Here are WAOC's class winners:

James Scott M10, Esther Eaton W10

Erik Biernacka-Jablonski M12, Elysia Cowe W12

Kate Jarrett W16

Rowan Lee (DRONGO and WAOC) M21

Matt Eaton M35, Brian Cowe M45

Stephen Borrill M50, Dil Wetherill M60

Bruce Marshall M70, Mike Bickle M75

Helen Bickle W40, Emma Jarrett W45

Helen Hague W55, Sue Hartley W65

Noreen Ives W75

Congratulations to all the WAOC class winners!

Wed 29 JanRead more…

East Anglian Urban League Winners for 2024

The East Anglian Urban League incorporated 6 urban events across the region during 2024.

The results have now been published, revealing an impressive number of category winners from WAOC:

  • Alys Powell (WYJ)
  • Hebe Darwin (WO)
  • Johanna Powell and Helen Bickle (WV) - tie for top spot
  • Camilla Darwin (WSV)
  • Sue Hartley (WUV)
  • Erik Biernacki-Jablonski (MJ)
  • Chris Rampton and Dil Wetherill (MSV) - tie for top spot
  • Mike Bickle (MHV)

Congratulations to all. The full list of EAUL scores can be found on the EAOA website, here.

Tue 3 DecRead more…

WAOC Winners in the UK Urban League 2024

The 2024 UK Urban League is now complete and winners have been decided. Amongst them were two from WAOC:

Alys ("Perfect 500") Powell in Womens Young Junior category, and Hebe Darwin, first in the Womens Open.

Congratulations to both, and well done too to the 4 runners up from WAOC:

Hana Powell (WYJ), Erik Biernacki-Jablonski (MJ), Kate Jarrett (WJ), and Camilla Darwin (WV).

More details on the 2024 UK League results can be found here.

Tue 3 DecRead more…

WAOC Juniors at the Peter Palmer Relays

Congratulations to our team of seven WAOC Juniors who travelled to the northern Lake District last weekend to participate in the prestigious Peter Palmer Relays.

WAOC were placed 10th out of 14 teams, finishing as the best team from outside Scotland, Yorkshire or the Lakes.

Sat 14 SepRead more…

WAOC take Bronze in Yvette Baker Final

Many congratulations to the 18 WAOC Juniors for their fantastic Third Place at the Yvette Baker Trophy Final on 7th July. There were many brilliant performances and ALL contributed in terrible weather. This is the best ever result the club has achieved since the Trophy was founded in 1999, and it is great to have some national silverware. Results at https://www.herts-orienteering...

Mon 15 JulRead more…

WAOC'S East Anglian and Midland Champions

The EA region hosted the Midland Championships this year (the first time for a long time) which meant that there was a splendid turnout from clubs across the centre of England (on a splendid day) to compete for the Midland Championship trophies. The event was combined with the East Anglian Championsips and quite a few WAOC runners took home some silverware.

Sun 10 MarRead more…

East Anglian Urban League 2023 - Our class winners

The class winners from the 2023 East Anglian Urban League were rewarded with medals, at a brief ceremony at the Kings Forest event on 18th February.
A pleasingly large number of WAOC club members were recipients.

Fri 1 MarRead more…

WAOC winners in the East Anglian League 2023

The category winners in the 2023 East Anglian League were awarded their medals at the recent CompassSport Cup and Trophy event in the Kings Forest. Recipients included an impressive line-up of WAOC orienteers.

Fri 1 MarRead more…

WAGAL Winners for 2023

The scores for this year's WAOC league (WAGAL) have now been calculated and published on the WAGAL scoreboard. And the winners are...

Fri 24 NovRead more…

WAOC at the CompassSport Cup Final

Many thanks to the 39 WAOC members (and that includes 10 Juniors) who ran for their club despite the parking issues and the incessant rain!

Fri 17 NovRead more…