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West Anglian Orienteering Club

EA Schools ChampsAmpthill ParkSun 24 September, 2023

Near: Ampthill
Level of event: Regional
Type of event: Race, Schools


Pre Event Info

Location Info

  • Postcode: MK45 2HX *
  • Lat,Lng:
  • Grid Ref:

* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.

Latest News

22nd September: Advance entries are now closed. Entry on the day will be available subject to map availability

11th September: Final details now available as a downloadable PDF.


This event is open to all, and is suitable for beginners of all ages as well as more experienced orienteers. Ampthill is very runnable with plenty of climb on the longer courses.

This event will host the 2023 East Anglian Schools Championships. Rules for the championships can be found on the EAOA website here. Please note that these rules were updated at the end of 2022 to simplify scoring and clarify who is eligible to run which course.

This event will also form part of WAOC's club league: the WAGAL.

Directions / Parking

Take the A507 from M1 Jct 13. Ampthill Park is at the Western end of Ampthill next to the junction of the B530 and the A507. It will only be signed from the B530/A507. 

Alternatively take the A421 to Bedford, taking the B530 to Ampthill and turning towards the West in the centre of Ampthill keeping to the B530.  SatNav: There is no exact postcode for Ampthill Park, but MK45 2HX will take you to a point about 700m East of the west car park entrance. The west car park entrance is at TL024382.

By car: Parking will be on grass adjacent to the west car park.  Please follow marshall's instructions.  (Please note that Ampthill park has 2 car parks, the central and the west car park, but WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THE CENTRAL CAR PARK).   Competitors should drive to the west car park. 

If you are planning on bringing a coach or minibus, please contact the organiser beforehand. 

By bus: Sunday service may operate.

By train or train and bike: Travel to Flitwick Station, which is 2 miles from Ampthill by bike.

Course Information

Colour coded courses from White to Blue.  Courses are shared between schools champs and other entrants.

There will be a punching start. SIAC (non-contact) punching will be enabled for all course controls.   Start and Finish controls will NOT be in beacon mode and must be contact-punched by all competitors.

Details shown below are subject to final controlling.

CourseDistanceNo. Controls
ClimbTechnical Difficulty
White1.4 km
25 mVery Easy
Yellow2.0 km
50 mEasy
Orange2.5 km
1260 mModerate
Light Green
3.0 km
1365 mHarder
Short Green3.6 km
16110 mHard
Green4.5 km
140 mHard
Blue6.2 km
170 mHard

Entry Details

Schools and other groups may enter in advance using the Group Registration form. Please complete the form and send by email to We appreciate your providing as much entry information as possible in advance, as this helps us ensure enough maps are available and prevents delays at registration. Payment will be taken on the day (cheque/cash/credit card) so we can deal with any amendments and you will only be charged for those who actually take part.

Individuals and families are encouraged to enter in advance online through Fabian4 (On-line pre-entry helps us avoid queues at registration). Advance entry will close at around midnight on the evening of Thursday 21st September. Entry on the day will be available for all courses, subject to availability of maps.

Helper Discount A £4 discount will be offered to adult members of WAOC volunteering to help on the day. Please contact the organiser (Helen Hague, via to obtain the discount code in advance of entering.

There will be no additional car parking charge - Entry fees include the cost of parking.

Entry fees:

Seniors (British Orienteering members)£9

Seniors (not BO member) £11
Juniors (Under 21)
Students of any age in full-time education

SI Card hire £1
SIAC hire £3

Registration and Start Times

Registration for entry on the day, enquiries and hired dibber collection will be open from 10 am to 12 noon. Registration will be adjacent to Parking.

If you have entered in advance and have requested a hire dibber, please collect it from enquiries before heading to the start. Remember to return the dibber when you download. If you have registered a school or other group, please go to registration to confirm your entries, make payment and collect the hire dibbers for your group.

Starts will operate from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Starts and Finish are both a short distance from the car park.

Terrain and map details

Ampthill Park is mostly fast open, with detailed contour and some patches of runnable forest canopy.   Full leg cover is strongly advised, as there may be nettles in parts of the wooded areas.

Out of bounds areas on the map are denoted by purple vertical hatching.  One fence to the North of the park, indicated by a thick purple line, must only be crossed at Mandatory crossing points: -)(-

There may be cattle in the field enclosed by this fence.  White and Yellow courses do not enter this area.

Map scale is 1:5,000 with 5m contours.  All course maps are A4 sized with pre-printed courses, printed on waterproof paper.    Blue and Green course maps will be double-sided with courses split into Parts 1 & 2.  Part 1 will be on one side, with the continuation onto Part 2 on the opposite side.

Control descriptions will be included on maps and in addition loose control descriptions will be available in the start lanes.  For White and Yellow courses, control descriptions will be in text format.  For courses Light Green and above, symbolic control descriptions will be used. Control descriptions on the Orange course will be provided in text on maps and in both formats for loose descriptions.

Dog restrictions

Well behaved dogs are welcome at Ampthill Park


We would like to thank Ampthill Town Council for allowing us to use Ampthill Park for this event.

Please make sure that your shoes are clean before you travel to the event.


Toilets are situated at the Hub cafe in the park, which will be serving takeaway hot and cold drinks.

Contacts / Officials

Organiser: Helen Hague

Assistant Organiser: Jon Ward

Planner: Ian Smith

Controller: Peter Woods (WAOC)