Summer MapRunBar HillWed 12 July, 2023
Near: Cambridge
Level of event: Local
Type of event:
Race, Social, Urban
Pre Event Info
Location Info
- Postcode: CB23 8DY *
- Lat,Lng:
- Grid Ref:
* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.
Summer 2023 MapRun League Series Info
A long and short course option are available at each event with approximately 4-6km or 8-10km of running. There are linear courses at some events (find the checkpoints in order as quickly as you can) and score courses at others (find as many checkpoints as you can within a set time limit of 30-40 mins or 45 mins to 1 hour).
Run the course either at the social Wednesday evening event or on your own at any time in the fortnight afterwards (up to midnight on the second Tuesday after the event) for your run to count in the league.
Directions / Parking
The Fox, Bar Hill, Cambridge, CB23 8DY
Course Information
Linear courses with straight line distances of:
6km Long course
3km Short course
Entry Details
£3 senior; £2 students
Registration and Start Times
You may run the courses anytime until the evening of 25th July to be competitive in the Summer 2023 league. To enter anytime, please email stating your choice of course. You will be sent a payment link and then a copy of the map and the PIN. Please email in plenty of time to allow for processing rather than on the day you intend to run.
Terrain and map details
Urban orienteering, 1:5000 map