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West Anglian Orienteering Club

Park-OColdham's CommonSat 14 May, 2022

Near: Cambridge
Level of event: Local
Type of event: Race



What a scorcher! Hopefully you all enjoyed yourselves today in the blazing sun and didn't overheat. We had a great turnout with a 50/50 split between pre-entries and entry-on-the-day. It was disappointing to have a control stolen before the first runner even started. If you were an early runner on Short or Long, we hope it didn't spoil your experience too much (the control was replaced and also made optional so no-one was disqualified for not finding it.

Photos: If you scroll down far enough, you will find some pictures of orienteers at the start and running to the finish.

We look forward to seeing you at our final Park-O of the 2021-2022 season at Hinchingbrooke Country Park on 18th June. Entries are now open, pre-entry is appreciated.

Pre Event Info

Location Info

* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.


This event will include an "extra-long" course about 5km in length in addition to the usual choice of Short, Medium, and Long.


We will be presenting some trophies and awards in a brief prizegiving at about 3:30pm.

Park-O Series Info

Our Park-O events are an easy way for juniors and adults to try orienteering. Based in parks around Cambridge, Park-O takes place on a Saturday afternoon 1pm-3pm. We schedule our Park-Os in the gaps between our full scale Sunday orienteering events and we hope that once you have tried Park-O you will come along to all our events.

What happens at Park-O? Click here to find out...

Park-O How-to Guide

Read more about this series

Directions / Parking

Our enquiries/hire dibber collection desk will be in or near Abbey Sports Centre. Cycle parking just outside the main entrance. Car parking is in the main sports centre car park (free, 200 spaces).

Postcode for Satnav: CB5 8NT.

Grateful thanks to Cambridge City Council for letting us explore the common in this way.

Course Information

Courses available

Short     ~ 1km Very easy 

Medium ~ 2km Easy 

Long      ~ 3km Medium

Extra Long      ~ 5km Medium

Entry Details

For entry fees, See Park-O page.

Entry on the day will be available, but it helps us if you pre-register (no payment is taken until you turn up on the day). To register, go on-line to WAOC entries at Entries open one month before the event date.

If you haven't been to a Park-O before, please read the information on our Park-O page so that you know what to do - we will have officials around to help if needed.

Registration and Start Times

Please pre-register on-line at Entries open one month before the event date. Entry on the day will also be available (subject to us having enough spare maps).

Payment is taken on the day, by cash or by card reader which accepts credit & debit cards, Apple Pay etc.

Starts will operate between 1pm and 3pm but please leave time to register and pay, and get ready, before going to the start.

Please note that courses close at 3:30pm. If you wish to do the long course (or extra-long), you need to start by 2:30pm, unless you have sufficient experience that you will be able to finish before 3:30pm.

Terrain and map details

Course maps will be A4 sized, printed on waterproof paper.

More about Park-O

Our Park-O events are an easy way for juniors and adults to try orienteering. Based in parks around Cambridge, each Park-O takes place on a Saturday afternoon 1pm-3pm once a month during the school year. It’s a great way to enjoy the local parks and our friendly volunteers will help you choose the course right for you and get you started. Read more at


People should NOT attend any this or any orienteering event:

  • If they are unwell with a cough, fever or other respiratory symptoms.
  • If they are undergoing COVID-19 testing, until they have received negative results and are symptom free.
  • If they have been advised to isolate by a health professional.

Photo Galleryclick/tap photos for a larger version