Near: Thetford
Level of event: Regional
Type of event:
Amended results uploaded 19:55 19/2/23
Organiser's comments
Thanks to everyone who came out today to Croxton Heath, and well done to those of you who ran both days of the Icenian weekend. I hope everyone enjoyed their runs on what turned out to be a beautifully mild February day! Although not originally planned as the CompassSport Qualifier, the team of amazing volunteers made the late ‘promotion’ of the event possible. Thanks so much to everyone who helped out from WAOC as well as those from NOR who helped on the start and Sarah Mansel from SUFFOC who sorted out the start time slot allocations for the competition. Particular thanks obviously go to Conor O’Donovan for planning some excellent (and numerous!) courses, Helen Hague for co-organising and general mentoring and John Collyer for Controlling (as well as providing regular updates on parking situation leading up to the event as forestry work progressed)!
We had a few items of lost property- some shoes and control description holder. Email if these may be yours!
Hope to see you all at the next event!
Pre Event Info
Location Info
- Postcode: IP24 1LN *
- Lat,Lng: 52.45945,0.76180
- Grid Ref: TL881888
- Google Map
- Streetmap (OS 50k)
- Bing Map (OS 50k)
- OpenStreetMap
* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.
A return to an excellent area of Thetford Forest not used for orienteering since 2015.
This event will form part of the Icenian weekend, together with CUOC's Icenian competition in the Cambridge Science Park on Saturday 18th.
N.B. This event is now the Compass Qualifier for participating clubs. As such, it is no longer an East Anglian League (EAL) event
10/2/23: Final Details issued - please note instructions on parking.
17/1/23: Entries now open on Fabian4.
16/1/23: Preliminary details posted
Directions / Parking
Parking is on a forest road, off Wreatham Road, approximately 1 mile north of Croxton Village. What3Words: ///headlight.organisms.decently Grid Ref: TL881888
By car
Approach on the A11 towards Thetford. Leave the A11 signed for Croxton (north of Thetford). Go through Croxton village and turn right, signed for Wretham, Watton and cycle route 13. After approximately 2 km, turn right into forest road 67 and continue for 1km to the assembly area (GR 887884).
The nearest postcode for SatNav is IP24 1LN but this is south of the area at Hall Farm. Follow O signs from the Wreatham road.
Parking will be along forest road 67. Due to conservation efforts by Forestry England, parking is not permitted along a certain 600m stretch of ride 67. The beginning and end of this section will be signed, but please only park where indicted by parking officials.
There will be pedestrians on the same road as the parking, walking to the start, and so please drive slowly. Parking space is constrained, so please lift share where possible. It is possible late arrivals may need to park further from the start (~1km), so please arrive in plenty of time for your run.
Course Information
This is a CompassSport Qualifier event. To be competitive for the Qualifier, you must be a member of BO and a member of your club and enter the courses as below corresponding to your age class.
Class |
CompassSport Course |
BOF Age Classes |
Length |
1 |
Brown |
Men Open |
9.5 km |
2 |
Short Brown |
M20- M40+ |
7.9 km |
3 |
Blue Women |
Women Open |
6.8 km |
4 |
Blue Men |
M50+ |
7.6 km |
5 |
Green Women |
W20- W45+ |
5.4 km |
6 |
Green Men |
M60+ |
5.4 km |
7 |
Veterans Short Green |
M70+ W60+ |
4.3 km |
8A |
Junior Men (Green) |
Men 18- |
5.3 km |
8B |
Junior Women (Short Green) |
Women 18- |
4.3 km |
9A |
Orange Men |
Men 14- |
3.6 km |
9B |
Orange Women |
Women 14- |
3.7 km |
10 |
Super Veterans Short Green |
M80+ W70+ |
3.9 km |
Course lengths are subject to final controlling.
Entrants not involved in the CompassSport Qualifier may enter any of the courses above or below.
Additional colour coded courses:
Course |
Length (km) |
White< |
2.2 km |
Yellow |
2.6 km |
Light Green |
4.2 km |
Course controls will be in beacon mode for contactless (SIAC) punching. (Start and Finish must be contact punched).
Entry Details
until 5th
February 2023 via Fabian4. Entries are now open.
For CompassSport entrants, there is no entry on the day for any courses. For members entering the CompassSport Qualifier, all entries must be made in advance via Fabian4. Any enquiries concerning your club entry should be directed via your club captain to the CSQ official using the email address croxtoncsentries at
Those NOT taking part in the CompassSport qualifier may enter any course and some entry on the day will be available, subject to map availability. Pre-entry is strongly recommended as otherwise you may have to wait a long time to start. Advance entries close midnight on Sunday 5th Feb 2023.
For CompassSport Qualifier, entries are £14 for a BO adult and £5 for a BO junior.
For those not taking part in the qualifier, entries are £14 for an adult and £5 for a junior, unless on courses White, Yellow or Light Green for which entries are £10 for an adult or group and £3 for a junior.
SI cards are available to hire for £1 and SIACs for £3.
Registration and Start Times
Registration will be open 10 am to 12 noon.
Start will operate from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm.
Start times for the CompassSport Qualifier will have been pre-allocated and no changes to start times will be allowed on race day. It is a punching start and the start and finish must be punched. You should aim to start at your allocated time, allowing for 4 minutes call-up. Late starters will start as soon as possible, but if you miss your allocated start time you may have a long wait before you can be slotted in as you will have to wait until the next free slot for your club.
Terrain and map details
Croxton Heath is a mixture of coniferous and deciduous forest of widely varying age, runnability and visibility. Runnability in the north is affected by brashings and bracken. Courses avoid the worst of the brambles. Of the remaining areas, most are affected by low bracken and, where this affects running, the map shows the undergrowth screen.
The area is mainly flat, although there are many large, natural depressions (dolines) throughout the area, some of which are quite deep and water-filled. The small earthwall symbol is used to indicate old rootstock banks which have rotted down. These banks will be difficult to see at running speed. The only remaining evidence may be a line of deciduous trees along the former line.
Portable toilets will be provided. First Aid kit will be located at Download.
If you are new to orienteering or requireassistance, then please enquire at registration.
Contacts / Officials
Organiser: Stuart Hatfield (WAOC)
Planner: Conor O'Donovan (WAOC)
Controller: John Collyer (SOS)