Near: Thetford
Level of event: Regional
Type of event:
Location Info
- Postcode: IP27 0AF *
- Lat,Lng: 52.43403,0.66508
- Grid Ref:
- Google Map
- Streetmap (OS 50k)
- Bing Map (OS 50k)
- OpenStreetMap
* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.
Latest News
20 January - We will be distributing awards from the 2024 EAL and EAUL at this event. We intent to have a brief ceremony at about 12:30 pm - please gather and support the class winners.
13 January - Details for beginners available here
6 January - Course lengths added (subject to final controlling)
5 January - Entries now open via Fabian 4; Preliminary details updated: PDF here.
11 December - preliminary details available as PDF.
A chance to run in an area of Thetford forest not used for an orienteering event since CUOC's Icenian in 2017. The area has been re-mapped for this event.
Directions / Parking
Post code for SatNav: IP27 0AF. High Lodge is off the B1107 between Brandon and Thetford, follow the brown signs from the A11. w3w ///
Parking will be in the public car parks near the visitors centre, please be aware of vehicles and take care when moving between the car park and the visitors centre. Parking £4 all day for competitors.
Please clean shoes before the event to avoid spread of plant-based diseases.
Course Information
Courses available: Black, Brown, Blue, Green, Short Green, Very Short Green, Light Green, Orange, Yellow and White as in table below.
Course lengths subject to final controlling. There is negligible climb on all courses.
Course | Length | Controls | Technical difficulty |
White | 1.8 km | 11 | Very Easy |
Yellow | 2.9 km | 10 | Easy |
Orange | 3.5 km | 11 | Moderate |
Light Green | 4.0 km | 10 | Harder |
Very Short Green | 3.5 km | 10 | Hard |
Short Green | 4.0 km | 10 | Hard |
Green | 5.1 km | 10 | Hard |
Blue | 7.5 km | 13 | Hard |
Brown | 12.2 km | 19 | Hard |
Black | 13.9 km | 22 | Hard |
Entry Details
Advance entry via Fabian 4. Entries are now open.
Early bird pre-entry until 11:59 pm 19th January 2025; on-line entries close 11:59pm 26th January 2025.
Entry on day will be available (subject to map availability). Special £5 price on the day for groups/families running together or for adults doing the White, Yellow and Orange Courses.
If you are new to orienteering or require assistance, then please enquire at registration. If you are bringing a school party, or other group such as guides, scouts or ATC cadets, please inform the organiser in advance by 26th January.
| Early bird entry up to and including 19/01/24 | Entry after 19/01/24 |
Adults, BO members | £12 | £14 |
Adults, non-members | £14 | £16 |
Juniors (under 21) / Students | £3 | £3 |
Family group on White Yellow or Orange | no advance booking needed | £5 EOD |
SIAC card (dibber) hire | £3 | £3 |
SI card (dibber hire) | £1 | £1 |
Volunteer helpers can enter half price, please contact for details.
Loss of a hired S.I. card will incur a charge of £30 (lost SIAC £60).
Registration and Start Times
Enquiries will be open 10 am to 12 noon for entry on the day and hired dibber collection.
Starts will run from 10.30am until 12.30. Punching start and finish. We will be using electronic punching. S.I. cards/dibbers can be hired from registration. Contactless punching (for SIAC dibbers) will be enabled for all numbered controls. Start times will not be pre-allocated. The main start is approximately 500m from registration. White and Yellow courses have a seperate start, 150m from registration, on the way to the main start. The finish is approximately 150m from download.
Courses close at 2.00pm - you must report to Download by this time.
Terrain and map details
Map scale is 1:15,000 for black and brown courses and 1:10,000 for all other courses.
Contour interval 5m.
High Lodge is an area typical of most of Thetford Forest: mixed cultivated block forest, predominantly flat, but with a few small areas of contour detail. Outside areas of young trees (mapped as green), runnability will be largely dictated by conditions underfoot: bracken and brashings. Brashings may be particularly dense in areas of recent and ongoing foresty work, which may not be accurately reflected in the map. Areas mapped as dense undergrowth are usually more-or-less impenetrable brambles. Wiggly paths through the forest are generally cycle tracks (both official and unoffical). Some parts of these may be marked as out-of-bounds routes (purple crosses) - you must NOT run along any such route, but you may cross over WITH CARE. Irrespective, please try to avoid running along any narrow track that looks like it might be used by cyclists, and take particular care whenever crossing such a track.
Dog restrictions
Dogs are welcome but owners must follow the Forestry England dog code, see the preliminary details.
Toilets and Café at the visitor centre. High Lodge has a range of other activities including cycling trails, disc golf, Go Ape and a Gruffalo trail. Forestry England are kindly providing a reduced, all day, parking fee for competitors so this is a good opportunity to bring the whole family and make a day out of the event.
Safety Note:
All courses except White and Yellow will cross the exit road from the visitor centre car parks at some point (multiple times on some courses). While there is a 10mph speed limit on this road, many drivers drive rather faster than that. Therefore, please take particular care when crossing this road - remember that many drivers will not be orienteers and will not be expecting to have runners crossing this road in front of them.
We would like to thank Forestry England for giving permission to use the area.
Contacts / Officials
Organiser: Emma Jarrett (WAOC)
Planner: Graham Louth (WAOC)
Controller: Colin West (SOS)
Important Event Information
Safety and Risk: A risk assessment is carried out by the organiser in advance of each event, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Insurance: Our events and activities are registered with British Orientering, and have been risk assessed. Our event officials have appropriate training for the level of event involved. This means our events are covered by British Orienteering's public liability insurance. For insurance purposes, we ask that when you register for an event that you provide full names of anyone who goes out on a course, even if just accompanying a junior or part of a group (these additional names won't be recorded in the results - for example they can just be noted on the back of your registration slip).
WAOC process entrant information on the basis of legitimate interest to produce competition results, to provide participation and results information to British Orienteering, and we retain details for a period to meet our insurance requirements. Published results may include (but not limited to) name, any club affiliation, race times and age group. Read our data protection page for further information about how we look after your personal information.
Welfare and Safeguarding:
We want everyone to feel safe and welcome at our events. As a club, we support and follow British Orienteering’s safeguarding policies,which can be found via the links below:
We also have our own child welfare policy. See also our Safeguarding and Welfare page.
Taking Photographs:
In line with the policies of British Orienteering, the organisers of this event request that any person wishing to take photos or videos showing children should register their details with event volunteers before taking any such photos or videos. The event organisers reserve the right to ask people to refrain from taking photos or videos and may, if such warnings are ignored, refer the matter to the police.
Club's use of Images:
We may sometimes publish photographs of event participants in news items or publicity. At events where we have arranged for photography we will advertise this at the event and in advance in the event details.
We aim always to obtain the permissions of parent or responsible adult before we publish any picture showing a junior participant as the main focus. Although we cannot guarantee that an event photographer will not take photographs of any given individual, we will do our best to avoid publishing images of individuals who have told us they do not wish to be photographed.
Read our data protection page for further information about our policy on photography and use of images.