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West Anglian Orienteering Club

East Anglian Urban League 2025Royston UrbanSun 09 March, 2025

Near: Royston
Level of event: Regional
Type of event: Race, Urban

Location Info

* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.

Latest News

9th February: Advance entries are now open through Fabian4.

Enter Online


An urban orienteering event in Royston Town.

Directions / Parking

Royston is easily accessible from the A10 and from the M11 and A1M via the A505.

Royston has a rail station, and the journey from London is less than 50 minutes. 

The event centre is King James Academy, Garden Walk, Royston.   Enquiries and Download will be situated in the junior site.   Parking areas of both the junior and main academy will be used for parking.

Postcode: SG8 7JE

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Course Information

The table below shows preliminary information on the courses available.

This event is part of the EAUL 2025.   To earn points in these leagues you should enter the course corresponding to your age class as in the table (This does not prevent you from running out of class if you wish to).

Class Course Distance (km) Straight Line Distance (km) Optimum route
Climb (m)
Controls Map size
Men Open 1 8.8   50 28 A3 DS
Veteran Men (M40+);
Women Open
2 6.5   35 25 A3 DS
Supervet Men (M55+); Veteran Women (W40+)
3 5.2   25 17 A3 DS
Ultravet men (M65+); Supervet Women (W55+) 4 4.1   20 18 A3 DS
Ultravet Women (W65+); Hypervet Men (M75+); Hypervet Women (W75+)
5 3.3   15 15 A3 DS
Junior Men (M16-); Junior Women (W16-)
6 4   15 15 A3
Young Junior Men (M12-); Young Junior Women (W12-)
7 2.1   10 13 A4

Under 16 year olds can only enter courses 6 & 7

Under 12s can only enter course 7

All courses are subject to final controlling.

Electronic Punching This event will be using SportIdent electronic punching. Control units except start and finish will be set up in beacon mode so that SIAC (contactless) dibbers can be used in contactless punching mode. Standard dibbers can also be used in normal ("contact") punching mode. Dibbers will be available to hire.

Standard dibbers must be inserted into each control box to register your visit. A SIAC dibber will be detected if it is closer than about 0.5 metre from the control box. The exceptions are the Start and Finish, which are contact punching only.

Whichever type you use, it is your responsibility to make sure you have punched correctly - for standard contact dibbers, the control box will beep and flash to confirm you have punched. SIAC dibbers emit a flash and a beep to confirm they have registered at a control site.

Entry Details

Advance entry is open now using Fabian4. Advance entries close on 2nd March, but entry up to and including 24th February is at a discounted rate, as in table below.

WAOC seniors willing to help on the day may enter in advance at half price. Please email for the helper discount code before you enter.

Group entries or school parties should register in advance with the organiser using the Group Entry Form by 2nd March latest.

Early bird entry up to 24th Feb
Entry 25th Feb onwards including EOD
Adult (21 and older) non-members£12 £14
BO members£10 £12
Juniors (under 21)£3 £3
SI card hire£1 £1
SIAC hire£3 £3

Registration and Start Times

Registration will be from 10:00am to 12 noon.

Pre-entered competitors may go straight to the start for their allocated start time (unless you need to pick up a hired SI card, in which case you must first go to registration). Entries on the day may go to the start when ready after registering.

Competitors new to orienteering or requiring assistance should enquire at registration.

Starts from: 10.30am to 12:30pm.

Please note that courses close at 2:00pm- you must finish and report to Download by this time.

It is a punching start; the start and finish controls must be dibbed.

Terrain and map details

Map scale is at 1:5,000 with 5m contours.   Map drawn to ISprOM 2019-2, updated 2025 by Caroline Louth.   Maps and loose control descriptions are pre-printed on waterproof paper.  Control descriptions are symbolic for courses 1-5 and descriptive for 6&7.

Dog restrictions

This urban event is not suitable for dogs.

Toilets will be available at the academy.

Contacts / Officials

Organiser: Chris Rampton (WAOC)

Planner: Ian Smith (WAOC)

Controller: Roger Moulding (HH)

Important Event Information

Safety and Risk: A risk assessment is carried out by the organiser in advance of each event, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.

Insurance: Our events and activities are registered with British Orientering, and have been risk assessed.  Our event officials have appropriate training for the level of event involved.   This means our events are covered by British Orienteering's public liability insurance.   For insurance purposes, we ask that when you register for an event that you provide full names of anyone who goes out on a course, even if just accompanying a junior or part of a group (these additional names won't be recorded in the results - for example they can just be noted on the back of your registration slip).


WAOC process entrant information on the basis of legitimate interest to produce competition results, to provide participation and results information to British Orienteering, and we retain details for a period to meet our insurance requirements.  Published results may include (but not limited to) name, any club affiliation, race times and age group. Read our data protection page for further information about how we look after your personal information.

Welfare and Safeguarding:

We want everyone to feel safe and welcome at our events.  As a club, we support and follow British Orienteering’s safeguarding policies,which can be found via the links below:

We also have our own child welfare policy.  See also our Safeguarding and Welfare page.

Taking Photographs:

In line with the policies of British Orienteering, the organisers of this event request that any person wishing to take photos or videos showing children should register their details with event volunteers before taking any such photos or videos. The event organisers reserve the right to ask people to refrain from taking photos or videos and may, if such warnings are ignored, refer the matter to the police.

Club's use of Images:

We may sometimes publish photographs of event participants in news items or publicity.  At events where we have arranged for photography we will advertise this at the event and in advance in the event details.  

We aim always to obtain the permissions of parent or responsible adult before we publish any picture showing a junior participant as the main focus. Although we cannot guarantee that an event photographer will not take photographs of any given individual, we will do our best to avoid publishing images of individuals who have told us they do not wish to be photographed.

Read our data protection page for further information about our policy on photography and use of images.